Events Schema

Superdesk uses internally item schema that is an extension of ninjs, so on ingest everything is converted to this schema, and on publishing it’s converted to different formats.

See IPTC-G2-Implementation_Guide (version 2.21) Section 15.4 for further information about the Events Schema.


guid string

Globally unique id. Using external id for ingested content.

unique_id integer

Internally unique id.

unique_name string

Internally unique name. By default same as unique_id.

version integer

Set by client - used to create items with version 0 which are used as drafts.

ingest_id string

Ingest item id from which item was fetched.

recurrence_id string

Internal id for recurrence events. All recurrence events for a particular recurring event will share this id.

Audit Information

original_creator id

User who created/fetched item.

version_creator id

User who created current version.

firstcreated datetime

When the item was created.

versioncreated datetime

When current version was created.

Ingest Details

ingest_provider id

Ingest provider id.

source string

Ingest provider source value. Using DEFAULT_SOURCE_VALUE_FOR_MANUAL_ARTICLES config for items created locally.

original_source string

Source value from ingested item.

ingest_provider_sequence integer

Counter for ingest items.

Event Details

name string

Name or title of the event.

description_short string

Text for short description.

description_long string

Text for long description.

anpa_category list

Optional, repeatable. The category classification(s) of the event.

files list

Optional, repeatable. Files attached to the event.

relationships dict

Details for relationships dict:

'relationships': {
    'broader': 'string',
    'narrower': 'string',
    'related': 'string',

links list

Optional, repeatable. Links attached to the event.

dates dict

Details of dates dict:

'date': {
    'start': 'dateimte',
    'end': 'dateimte',
    'duration': 'string',
    'confirmation': 'string',
    'recurring_date': [ 'datetime' ],
    'recurring_rule': {
        'frequency': 'string',
        'interval': 'string',
        'until': 'string',
        'count': 'string',
        'bymonth': 'string',
        'byday': 'string',
        'byhour': 'string',
        'byminute': 'string'
    'occur_status': 'dict',
    'ex_date': [ 'datetime' ],
    'ex_rule': {
        'frequency': 'string',
        'interval': 'string',
        'until': 'string',
        'count': 'string',
        'bymonth': 'string',
        'byday': 'string',
        'byhour': 'string',
        'byminute': 'string'

occur_status dict

Optional, non-repeatable property to indicate the provider’s confidence that the event will occur.

news_coverage_status dict

Optional, non-repeatable element to indicate the status of planned news coverage of the event by the provider, using a QCODE and optional Name.

registration string

Optional, repeatable indicator of any registration details required for the event.

access_status list

Optional, repeatable property indicating the accessibility, the ease (or otherwise) of gaining physical access to the event, for example, whether easy, restricted, difficult.

subject list

Optional, repeatable. The subject classification(s) of the event.

location list

Repeatable property indicating the location of the event with an optionali Name.

participant list

Optional, repeatable, The people and/or organisations taking part in the event.

participant_requirement list

Optional, repeatable element for expressing any required conditions for participation in, or attendance at, the event, expressed by a URI or QCode.

organiser list

Optional, repeatable. Describes the organiser of the event.

event_contact_info list

Indicates how to get in contact with the event. This may be a web site, or a temporary office established for the event, not necessarily the organiser or any participant.

language string

Optional, describes the language(s) associated with the event.